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Foundation makes £1,000 grant to Pancreatic Cancer UK

The Foundation has made a £1,000 grant to Pancreatic Cancer UK, to be used to help fund their Nurse Support Line, which is a lifeline for patients and families facing the emotional and psychological impact of pancreatic cancer.

‘ Shockingly, 1 in 2 people will die within 3 months of a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and they often struggle to get the support and information they need from healthcare providers.

Our Support Line is run by a team of experienced nurses, helping almost 2,000 people a year with anything from understanding their diagnosis and treatment options, dealing with symptoms and pain, to simply providing callers with a safe space to talk about what matters to them.

Calls are not time-limited, so our nurses can talk and listen for as long as needed. And, where relevant, our nurses follow up conversations with personalised information so patients can navigate the complex healthcare system and make informed choices about their care.’

Sophie Hunter, Senior Trust and Foundation Manager
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